Sinan Yurttadur

Creator & UX-Enthusiast

3 min read


In-House teams with clear structures

Hello, dear community! My name is Sinan Yurttadur, and after successfully building several SaaS products for companies like Sparkasse, Lufthansa, and Edenred, I am convinced that:

"In-House UX teams are the heart of every digital company."

But how do you efficiently and transparently build these teams? Today, I'll share my ideal vision for a UX department and explain how you can build an impressive department through clear structures, a simple guide, and SDD© standards.

The advantages of In-House UX teams

Firstly, I'd like to explore the advantages of In-House UX teams. An internal UX team has an intimate understanding of the company, its culture, and its mission. This allows for closer alignment between design and business objectives and ensures that each design element directly impacts business value.

These three elements were key for me
  • Clear structures for greater efficiency: Every team member knows exactly what role they play and how they contribute to the overall objective. This eliminates uncertainties and fosters efficiency. Building a UX team without clear structures is like constructing a building without a foundation - it could collapse upon itself. Clear structures not only provide orientation and a framework for the team, but they also increase productivity. A structured-led team knows exactly which tasks to focus on, which responsibilities they have, and how to communicate efficiently.

  • The simple guide as a compass: This valuable document ensures that the team follows a consistent approach to design, resulting in a cohesive and user-friendly UX. A guide serves as a compass for the UX team. It is a document that sets out the guidelines, best practices, and standards for design. With such a guide, the team has a clear path to follow, resulting in consistent and high-quality outcomes.

  • SDD standards: A solid documentation practice ensures that design and development work hand in hand. It also creates transparency for other departments and stakeholders. Software Design Documentation, or SDD©, is key to a smooth design process. It serves as a bridge between designers and developers, ensuring that everyone on the team knows exactly what to do. Through this documentation, misunderstandings are avoided, saving time and improving the quality of the end products.

How to: A clear concept for building In-House UX

Here at UXCIRCLE, we have developed the Design as a TEAM concept, which brings all these elements together. Our offering supports companies in building In-House UX teams from scratch, with all the necessary resources and tools. The goal? A team that not only delivers impressive designs but is also seamlessly integrated into the entire company.

Closing thoughts

"The digital landscape is constantly changing. To remain competitive in this ever-evolving environment, it is essential to have an In-House UX team that is both efficient and innovative. By using clear structures, a simple guide, and SDD© standards, you are on your way to building an impressive and powerful UX department."

And remember: If you need help building your team, UXCIRCLE is here with the Design as a TEAM concept. Let's shape the future of design together!

Sinan Yurttadur

“Unsere Aufgabe mit UX Circle ist es sicherzustellen, dass wir die
‍besten Designer ausbilden und Ihnen die Mitarbeit an den
besten Projekten ermöglichen.”

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Wir machen aus Ideen benutzerfreundliche Software und helfen Startups sowie kleinen und großen Unternehmen, in nur 3 bis 6 Monaten ein einfaches, aber beeindruckendes Online-Erlebnis zu entwickeln.

Neu: Design zum Fixpreis 🎉

Unser Abo-basiertes Design-Konzept ist die ideale Lösung für Firmen.

© 2024 - UXCIRCLE© Copyright - A 'The NEED GmbH' company

Disclaimer: This website is like a chocolate teapot - it may not be very useful for brewing tea, but it's great for bringing a smile to your face. The information provided here is as accurate as a horoscope and should be taken with a grain of salt the size of a snowman's nose. We cannot guarantee that visiting this site will make you rich, famous, or a better dancer, but it might make your day a little brighter. Please do not attempt to use this website as a flotation device, a spaceship, or a time machine, as it is not certified for such endeavors. Remember, laughter is the best medicine, and this website is our prescription for a good chuckle.


Wir machen aus Ideen benutzerfreundliche Software und helfen Startups sowie kleinen und großen Unternehmen, in nur 3 bis 6 Monaten ein einfaches, aber beeindruckendes Online-Erlebnis zu entwickeln.

Neu: Design zum Fixpreis 🎉

Unser Abo-basiertes Design-Konzept ist die ideale Lösung für Firmen.

© 2024 - UXCIRCLE© Copyright - A 'The NEED GmbH' company

Disclaimer: This website is like a chocolate teapot - it may not be very useful for brewing tea, but it's great for bringing a smile to your face. The information provided here is as accurate as a horoscope and should be taken with a grain of salt the size of a snowman's nose. We cannot guarantee that visiting this site will make you rich, famous, or a better dancer, but it might make your day a little brighter. Please do not attempt to use this website as a flotation device, a spaceship, or a time machine, as it is not certified for such endeavors. Remember, laughter is the best medicine, and this website is our prescription for a good chuckle.


Wir machen aus Ideen benutzerfreundliche Software und helfen Startups sowie kleinen und großen Unternehmen, in nur 3 bis 6 Monaten ein einfaches, aber beeindruckendes Online-Erlebnis zu entwickeln.

Neu: Design zum Fixpreis 🎉

Unser Abo-basiertes Design-Konzept ist die ideale Lösung für Firmen.

© 2024 - UXCIRCLE© Copyright A 'The NEED GmbH' company

Disclaimer: This website is like a chocolate teapot - it may not be very useful for brewing tea, but it's great for bringing a smile to your face. The information provided here is as accurate as a horoscope and should be taken with a grain of salt the size of a snowman's nose. We cannot guarantee that visiting this site will make you rich, famous, or a better dancer, but it might make your day a little brighter. Please do not attempt to use this website as a flotation device, a spaceship, or a time machine, as it is not certified for such endeavors. Remember, laughter is the best medicine, and this website is our prescription for a good chuckle.
